mineral, crystals & rocks
For almost 40 years The Rare and Beautiful have collected minerals, crystals and other rocks. Many of or Tasmanian and Australian minerals and crystals were found by us, others we have purchased from fellow fossickers. Our minerals and crystals from Burma , Sri Lanka and Vietnam were hand chosen from miners at their source, on our many trips to gem mining areas in these countries. As we are both Gemmologists we lean toward beautiful minerals and crystals and great examples of rare minerals in their crystal forms. We are constantly amazed by the mineral wonders that mother nature produces and love to share our finds with other collectors and rock lovers.

Jade Puzzle Ball

Fossil Worm Cast

Fossil Worm Cast

Fossil Worm Cast

Fossil Worm Cast

Fossil Worm Cast

Obriens Creek Topaz

Obriens Creek Topaz